Content Creation -

Video Production Plus was hired to produce content about Estate Sales and Auctions.  The knowledge in these videos could save potentials clients $1,000 of dollars when dealing with an estate due to a death in the family.  This was a fun project and they were great to work with.

The original 6 segments included:  About Us, Why hire a Estate Liquidator, What is an Estate Liquidation sale?   What is an absolute auction?  Why Hire the Kennedy Brothers?   What is a Red Flag when hiring an appraiser?   This was a 3 location shoot:  full day shoot with the owners, ½ day shoot at an estate sale and ½ day shoot at an auction.  Video Production Plus edited 6 segments for Kennedy Brothers Auction to start and edited several additional segments at a later time.

These videos were produced to attract individual buyers to the auctions and educate individuals on what to look for in an estate liquidation company.  They were also trying to land a TV show.

Here is a link to Kennedy Brothers Auctions YouTube Channel: